

What is the working principle of the wrapping machine?

Category:Frequently Asked Questions
Date:2018-09-06 03:02:21
The working principle of the wrapping machine is to place the object to be wound in the center of the turntable, start the rotation of the turntable motor, and naturally drive the turntable to rotate, so that the object realizes the peripheral wrapping film machine. At the same time, the elevator motor is also started, and the winding machine drives the entire assembly of the winding and binding machine to move up and down to achieve the winding of the object in the height direction, which realizes the wrapping of the entire outer surface of the object. This not only facilitates the packaging requirements of the storage, transportation and mechanized loading and unloading operations of the goods, but also prevents the damage of the goods during the handling process, plays the role of dustproof, moisture-proof and cleaning, reduces the production cost and improves the production efficiency. In the winding process, the main thing is the adjustment of the film tension and the film penetration. Generally, the film tension can be achieved by adjusting the rotational speed of the turntable and adjusting the rotational speed of the motor.
Wrapping packaging machine is widely used in the assembly cost of foreign trade export, food and beverage, plastic chemical, glass ceramics, electromechanical castings, etc. It can prevent the damage of goods during the handling process and play the role of dustproof, moisture proof and cleaning.
1. According to the degree of wrapping of the package can be divided into:
Full wrap winding machine: including wrap, cover, body, seam and other wrappers.
Half-wrap winding machine: including folding, shrinking, stretching, winding and other wrapping machines.
2. According to the structure, the winding machine can be divided into: "tray winding machine, no tray winding machine, horizontal winding machine, cantilever winding machine, circular winding machine, drum winding machine, steel belt winding machine".
3. The winding machine is automatically classified according to the machine: automatic winding machine, semi-automatic winding machine, manual winding machine.
4. The winding machine can be divided into pre-stretching, resistive stretching and mechanical pre-stretching according to the structure of the film frame.


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