

The difference between the upper paper and the lower paper pillow packaging machine

Category:Frequently Asked Questions
Date:2018-09-06 03:04:04
The main difference is still in the feeding, where the paper is coated from the top to the bottom because of the film, so there may be a feed to the place, or the film is not available, you can not follow the film. It may cause some problems with the material. If the paper is taken down, the film is coming out from below. When the feeding is pushed directly onto the film, the product directly follows the film, thus reducing the material.

There are many types of packaging machines and there are many classification methods. From different points of view, there are many kinds, according to the type of machinery: liquid packaging machine, powder packaging machine, granule packaging machine, body packaging machine, sauce packaging machine, electronic combination scale packaging machine, pillow packaging machine; Packing function, there are inner packaging, outsourcing packaging machine; according to the packaging industry, there are food, daily chemical, textile and other packaging machines; according to the packaging station, there are single-station, multi-station packaging machine; according to the degree of automation There are semi-automatic, fully automatic packaging machines. The vacuum packaging machine is divided into a horizontal vacuum packaging machine and a vertical vacuum packaging machine according to the placement position of the packaging materials. The packaged contents of the horizontal vacuum packaging machine are placed horizontally; the packaged contents of the vertical vacuum packaging machine are placed vertically. Horizontal vacuum packaging machines are more common on the market.


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