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    Pillow packaging machine performance indicators

    Category:Frequently Asked Questions
    Date:2018-09-06 03:06:47
    Long hair packaging pillow packaging machine main performance characteristics:
    1. Double servo control, the bag length can be set and cut, no need to adjust the air, one step in place, saving time and film.
    2, color touch screen control, parameter setting is convenient and fast, can store 100 kinds of packaging parameters,
    3, fault self-diagnosis function, fault display at a glance.
    4, high-sensitivity photoelectric eye color tracking, mathematical input and sealing position, so that the sealing and cutting position is more accurate.
    5, temperature independent PID control, better suited to a variety of packaging materials.
    6, positioning stop function, no sticking knife, no waste envelope.
    7. The transmission system is simple, the work is more reliable, and the maintenance is more convenient.
    8, cut the product automatically reverse, directly boot after the restart is convenient.
    9, no packaging film, automatic shutdown.
    10. Flexible packaging can be realized according to the needs, that is, the length of the product is automatically detected, and the length of the packaging film is automatically changed without setting any parameters.


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